The bar chart below shows the top ten countries for the production and consumption of electricity in 2014

The given chart illustrates the amount of electricity that was generated and consumed by the highest-ranking countries in 2014. The information was conducted in billion kWh.
In general, most countries witnessed the quantity of produced electricity surpassed the quantity of consumed one. It was noticed that the highest amount of electricity generated and consumed was in China and the US.
To be more specific, China ranked first in producing and consuming electricity with 5398 billion kWh and 5322 billion kWh relatively, followed by the US with 4099 billion kWh in production and 3866 billion kWh in consumption.
Regarding remaining countries, the amount of electricity generating fluctuated in a range from 485.1 billion kWh to 1057 billion kWh, while smaller amount can be seen in consuming from 4499.5 billion kWh to 5322 billion kWh. Only in Germany did the figure record a different tendency in production and consumption. They produced 526.6 billion kWh while used 582.5 billion kWh.

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