The bar chart shows the percentage of the total world population in four countries in 1950 and 2002 and projections for 2050

The bar chart demonstrates the proportion of population in four different countries (India, China, USA, and Japan). The years in consideration are 1950, 2002 and 2050.
Overall, it can be seen that China had the maximum population in initial year which would be replace by India in the incoming year. Whereas, Japan had least population in past and in future both.
To begin with, China had the highest number of community in 1950, nearly 23% followed by 20%, in 2002 and would be decline by 5%, in 2050. However, India had nearly 15% population in 1950 which increased slightly in 2002 up-to 17% and it would be stand at 19%, in 2050.
On the other hand, initial figure for USA was 7%, in 1950 which dropped slowly in 2002 and will be remain stable till 2050. In Japan, population claimed in 1950 was 3% which fall by 2% in 2002 and would be decreased up-to 1%, in 2050.

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