The bar charts illustrate the average house expenses in England and its capital city London and to present the comparison regarding the average house prices between distinct areas of England within the year 2013

The line graph illustrates the number of students graduating university in both genders in Canada from 1992 to 2007.

Overall, the graduates from two groups of sex gradually increased over the period of 15 years. It can be seen that the figure for female outnumbered the rest.

To begin, in 1992, there are about 100,000 women graduating from universities while the number for male group was about 30,000 fewer. After 3 years, both gained slightly with about 5,000 people and then the figure for both groups fluctuated for 6 years..

In sharp contrast to this period, from 2001, there was a sharply rise in both sexes' graduation number. The female group increased at a steady rate with almost 10,000 people each year apart from the year 2005 and finished the period at about 150,000. With the similar pattern, there was also a dramatically rise in the number of male one to almost 100,000, which was well below that of woman's group.

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