Bie chart
The bie chart reveals some interesting facts about proportion of individuals who are arrested from 1990 to 1995. Overall, male was the most impressive percentage of arrested people as well as public drinking was the most significant cause for the problem for both genders.
As stated, males has by far the most colossal quantity of individuals arrested, with whopping 79%,in stark contrast, female was the most miniscule, with a mere 10%.
Coming up with the reason of arrested both genders. The prominence of public drinking was striking for both men and women along with the main cause and was markedly tremendous, at 90%.Assauf was second most immense, at 60%,compared with, the percentage of f arrested people for theft reason was the most meager, with palty 30%.There seems to be Little correlation between man and women in other reasons with respectively 34%and 38%.There was a tie for for females as theft as selling reason of arresting, at 60%.