The chart below gives information about birth and death rates in Switzerland from 1970 to 2020 according to United Nations statistics Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant

The bar chart shows the comparison between birth and death rates in Switzerland from 1970 to 2020. Overall, the number of babies who were born experienced a significant increase in the period of 30 years, while, the death rates decrease slightly.
It is observed that the number of newborn stood at 1,2 millions in 2 consecutive years, namely 1970 and 1980. While, the death figures leveled off at 1 million people in 1970 then they continued to rise to reach at peak in 1990 before experiencing an downward trend in the other years. In the next period, birth rates followed by another increase,although much speeder in 1990 when rates were almost doubling to 3,2 millions in 202. By contrast, there was a steady decrease in rates of death from 1,5 millions in 1990 to 0,8 millions in 2020.
To sum up, the birth rates were always higher than the death one except for 1980. Additionally, the highest point were found in birth rates in 2020 and the lowest one were the same year.

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