The chart below gives the information about Southland s main exports in 2000 2014 and future projections for 2025

This bar graph elucidates the information about mean export of Southland in 2000, 2014 and future projection for 2025.

To initiate with international tourism industry, before approximately a decade, its export was euros 8.1 billion while after 14 years it climbed by euros 0.7billion. However in next 11 years, intercontinental tourism could incline to €9.8 billion. Furthermore, in 2000, exports of dairy products by Southland was €6.9 billion whereas non-veg products in same years was exactly €6 billion.

Moving further, in 2014, exportation of milk goods were at high peaks plus in 2025, it could drop-off by a minuscule difference that is €0.4 billion. Lastly, in 2014, export of meat products were decreased by €0.3 billion and in future it could be devaluate more.

All in all, there is an inclement on exports of international tourism however, meat products’ export is decreasing.

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