The chart below gives information on the percentage of British people giving money to charity by age range for the years 1990 and 2010 Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant

The given bar chart presents information of the percentage of British citizens in different age groups donating money to a charity in 1990 and 2010.
The percentage of people in the age group 18 to 25 making donations remained the lowest in both years and fell drastically from 17 percent to seven percent during this period. The percentage of 26 to 35 age group contributors decreased by more than six percent and those of 36 to 50 age declined marginally by a similar number.
On the other hand, the percentage of people between 51 to 65 years were the second largest group in 1990 and rose to prominence in 2010. While those above 65 years of age were the third largest group in 1990, they were equal to the 36 to 50 age group in 2010.
While the percentage of donors increase till age group 36 to 51 in 1990 and declined thereafter, the contributors increased consistently till the age group 51 to 65 in 2010 and then declined.

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