The chart below shows estimated world illiteracy rates by region and by gender for the year 2000

The given bar chart depicts the approximated world illiteracy rates in the year 2000, sorted by both gender and region. Generally speaking, the highest percentage recorded in each region is of females.

It is obvious that the lowest rate regarding both genders appear in developed countries, having only around 1-2%. However, in all other areas, the rates are significantly higher. In Latin America, about 10% of both women and men are illiterate, recording no obvious difference between the two genders. While about 7.5% males are illitarate in East Asia and Oceania, more than 100% more females are recorded in the respective area.

Tremendous differences between the two genders appear in all of the other regions, estimating a percentage that is 20% higher when it comes to women. The most significant issue appears in South Asia, which has a rate of illiteracy of over 30% in men and around 55% in women.

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