The chart below shows information about the challenges people face when they go to live in other countries Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant

The chart gives information about the integration challenges in other countries that people are facing between the age group of 18 and above.

Overall, the total percentage of the young population is 115, out of which 46% of youngsters face difficulties in making new friends abroad. Whereas 40% of them hardly find a place to live and the rest of the young population faces local language barriers while living in other countries. People in the mid-age, majorly face challenges to live in another country, which is about 39%, almost equal to the younger population. This generation of the population can easily make friends but lack efficient local language skills than younger ones.

However, the older generation has no problem in making new friends (23%) or find a place to live (22%) as compared to the previous two generations, but solely suffers from one challenge of learning of local language that is about 54%.

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