The chart below shows the percentage of UK households with selected consumers durable between 1996 to 2006

The given chart provides the comparison of devices in the UK over 10 years, from 1996 to 2006.
Overall, the figures for UK households witnessed an upward trend with the exception of Telephone. Another key feature is that people who live in the UK used telephones for communication was higher than in the other categories.
Regarding telephone and mobile phone, while the data for telephone was nearly 100% topping the chart, that of mobile phone stood at 20%. In the next 10 years, there was a slight decrease in telephone users, dropping by 2%. A contracting pattern was seen in the popularity of mobile phones, growing from 20% to approximate 55%.
In the term of 4 UK households, commencing around 65% in 1996 the quality of Microwave, fridge and Washing machine increase slowly reached to 70% in 2006. The period between 1996 and 2006 experienced a significant rise from the lowest point 10% to 60% in the number of internet connections.

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