The chart below shows the results of a survey about people s coffee and tea buying and drinking habits in five Australian cities Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant Write at least 150

The bar chart illustrated the percentage of resident's coffee and tea purchasing and consuming in the last 4 weeks in Australia's five different cities (Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, and Hobart).

Overall, going to the cafe was the favorite option in most of the cities, except Adelaide. Moreover, it was also evident that fresh coffee was the least demands in five cities.

Going to a cafe preference of different cities like Sydney, Melbourne and Hobart account for approximately two-thirds of residents reported enjoying. Whilst almost 55% of Hobart residents bought instant coffee, such a commodity was purchased by less than half of Sydney and Melbourne's population, just about 46%, and 48% respectively. Moreover, the percentage of purchase the fresh coffee of Sydney, Melbourne, and Hobart was nearly 44%, 42%, and 38% respectively.

Meanwhile, instant coffee was dominant in Adelaide, approximately 50% and 1% higher than going to cafes. This city shared a similar 34% figure of people choosing to buy fresh coffee with Brisbane. Going to the cafes accounted for over 55% in Brisbane, with a 3% difference compared to instant coffee.

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