The chart below shows three different types of crime in England and Wales from 1970 to 2005

The line graph depicts information about three various kinds of crime in England and Wales over a period of 35 years. The calibration has been done in million.

Overall, it can be observed that , car theft , house burglary and street robbery displayed fluctuating trend throughout the given time period.

To initiating with , starting at 0.4million in 1970, escalating at 1.6 million in 1995 and the car trapped decreased at 1 million in 2005. Whereas, in 1970 , the house burglary stood at merely 0.2 million .After that, it displayed an increasing trend and reached at 0.4 million. While, in the following 10 year, it remain stable at 0.5 million. From 1919 to 1995 the number of house burglary increased slightly.However, automatic decrease was seen in between 2000 to 2005. Which was only 0.3 million.
Moving further, in 1995 street robbery started at 0.1 million. Afterwords, showed an ever increasing trend and jumped at 0.2 million in 2005

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