The chart shows the exchange rate between the US Dollar and the British Pound

The line graph illustrated the exchange ratio the currency which the US dollar compare to British pound from 1973 to 1988 with units are measured in USD for each one pound.
In general, during the period of 16 years, the rate of exchange between US dollar and British pound had had a a fluctuant trend, the highest value was 1973 with nearly 2.5 and the lowest value was mid-1985 with 1.25.
At first, from 1973 to 1975, it had fallen slightly and increased to the first value, however, it had decreased dramatically in almost 2 years from 1975 to 1977 with more than 1.5 in mid-1977. In the next three years, there was slight growth in the rate of exchange which reached to the point of just over 2.25 and this value remained stable between 1980 and mid-1981. In the next 4 years(mid-1981 – mid-1985), the British pound seem to be fallen downhill and reached the lowest point in mid-1985. Then, it had grown up and reached 2 in 1988, although, the rate had stable one year(1986 - 1987).
Finally, according to the line graph and the rate of currency, we saw that the economic of US and European had experienced many fluctuant years

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