The chart shows the percentage of women and men in one Asian country who passed when they took their driving test between 1980 and 2010 Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant

The chart illustrates the figure of male and female passing the driving test in one Asian nation from 1980 to 2010.
Overall, it witnessed the proportion of women passing the test was the highest , while that percentage of men was lowest. Both of the percentage of male and female passing the test tend to increase over the year.
It can be seen that, the figure of women passing the test in 1980 was nearly 50%, higher than that of men twenty times. In 1990, the proportion of male passing the driving test grew up sharply to nearly 40%, more than that of the beginning 10 times. In the meanwhile, there also an slightly uptrend ward in the proportion of female to 55%.
In 2000, the figure of women having driving's certification rose rapidly and reached a peak at nearly 70%. That figure could not mantain and decline slightly to 50% then that figure stayed stable to 2010.

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