The charts below show the average percentages in typical meals of three types of nutrients all of which may be unhealthy if eaten too much Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant

The pie chart compares the proportion of consumption of various nutrients included sodium, saturated fat and added sugar, which the average person in the USA include in each meal and snacks. The regaular intake of such nutrients could be unhealthy if eaten too much.

In the USA, an average person consumes sodium and staurated fat the most of thier dinner time, which is 43% and 37% respectively compared to 29% and 26% repectively in lunch time. For Breakfast and snacks, sodium is not a prefered choice, olny included 14% for each. Whereas, staurated fat consumed slightly higher for snack and breakfast, 21% and 16% respectively.

Overall, it seems that the average person include the unhealthy food into thier dinner compared to lunch and breakfast.

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