The charts below show the percentage of water used for different purposes in six areas of the world Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant

The pie charts illustrate the consumption of water on industry, agriculture and domestic respectively in six different countries all around the world.

It can be clearly seen that the percentage of agricultural water used account for the largest in Asia, Africa and South America. While that figure in Europe and North America are not higher than the percentage of water supplied for industry.

Agriculture is the main purpose for using water in Central Asia, South East Asia, South America and Africa, which account for 88%, 81%, 71% and 84% respectively. However, this figure for North America is slightly lower than the proportion of water supplied for industry, at 39% while industry use 48%. Likewise, 32% of Europe’s water generated from agriculture, which is 21% lower than the percentage water used for industry (53%).

Concerning domestic area, the proportion of using water in both Central Asia and South East Asia is exactly the same, at 7%.

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