The charts below show reasons for travel and the main issues for the travelling public in the US in 2009

The charts give information about causes for travel and the crucial problems US experienced in the year 2009. The most reason was to commute and from work and a big question was about cost of travel.
Reasons for travel include five types:visit friends or relatives, social or recreation, shopping, personal reasons, to commute and from work. Meeting friends had the lowest number of percentages, which was 6%. Travelling for social contain 10%, shopping was higher for 6% than social. Personal causes were 19%. The most percentages differences had from work and it were 49%.
Space for pedestrian and access to public transport had the similar differences(they were 6% and 8%). The cost of travel was 36% and it was the main issue than others. Aggressive drivers, highway congestion and safety concerns approximately the same and had 2-3% differences.

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