Consumption of fast food by Australian teenager

The line graph depicts three different types of fast food that a Australian teenager had from the period 1975 to the end of 2000. The three different fast foods compared here are Pizza, Fish & Chips and Hamburgers.

Overall, the graph shows Fish and Chips are being popular in the starting of the given interval but slowly lost its rate of consumption and pizzas, hamburgers gained their importance by the end of 20th century.

In 1975, teenager had eaten Fish and Chips 100 times per year. It followed a zig-zag trend till 1985 settling at nearly 90 times of consumption in that year. After that suffered a gradual decrease and settled at 40 times a year in 2000.

Both Hamburgers and pizzas are eaten not even 20 times a year in the early year of period but both had increased gradually till 1985 but is nearly constant and settled at a consumption of 100 and 81 times in the year 2000 respectively.

Average: 7.5 (2 votes)
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