The diagram below show the site of a school in 2004 and the plan for change to the school site in 2024 Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparison where relevant

The two maps illustrate the layout of the site of a 2004 and for changes to the school site in 2024.
It is clear that main changes for 2024 a new school building will be built also, number of students will be increased from 600 to 1000 by 2024.
By 2024, a new road will be developed between first and second school buildings. Then, school buildings will be expanded, sports field will be replaced to the right of school building 2 and this place will be reduced then before.
By the letter given year, new car park will be built and new road will be developed for go to car park 2. Main entrance and car park 1 will be stayed unchanged. In 2024, a little path will be renovated for connecting three school buildings. A new road will be passed by school building 2, school building 3 and sports field.

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