The diagram below shows the development of cutting tools in the Stone Age Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparison where relevant

The configuration of instruments which were used to cut and hunt in the primitive was demonstrated by the diagram between 0.8 million years and 1.4 million years.
A glance at the diagram reveals that the both size and shape of stone are improved substantially which becomes the cutting tool having more productivity and efficiency over 600,000 years.
It was conspicuous in tool A that the front view has a rough surface and a height of approximately 9cm which top of this stool didn’t have a speared shape. There were harsh and blunt edges on the side view that poorly bore force and easily cracked. The coarseness was seen behind the surface having a uneven shape with no sign of polishing.
Turning to tool B in 0.8 million ago, the front surface was refined taking the shape of a tear – drop appearance and tapered into the top with a pointed end that an increasing height to 1 cm. There was a witness more sharp edges on the side view and the back view was grinded and had more aesthetic upgrading sharp-cutting instrument that was more and more advanced after 600-millennia evolution.

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