The diagram illustrates the process that is used to manufacture bricks for the building industry Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant

The diagram shows how bricks are produced for construction.
Overall, the process consists of seven stages, beginning with the clay as raw material and ending with the delivery of the bricks.
First of all, clay dug with the help of a digger. After that, the clay is transferred on a metal grid and undergo roller, and water is added to the sand. In the next stage, there are two options for shaping bricks. First, raw bricks are cut into the shapes with the help of the cutter, and the other one is bricks are shapes with the help of the molds.
Following this, bricks are transferred to the oven for drying. Once bricks are dry they undergoing a kiln, by moderate and following by high temperature. Subsequently, products are ready for packaging. Finally, bricks are ready for delivery.

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