The diagram shows how alcohol is distilled through a set of apparatus

The given picture illustrates the method of alcohol distillation through a set of apparatus.

Overall, with this procedure mixture of water and alcohol can be distilled and pure alcohol is obtained. The water is burnt by the heat and alcohol is cooled by cold water and exist in a liquid form.

First of all, adjust bunsen burner under the tripod stand. After that, put the distillation flask on the tripod. Then, mixed solution of water and alcohol added into the flask and using a stopper cover the flask air tightly. Add a thermometer into the purifying flask to measure the temperature.

Furthermore, after some time, vaporized alcohol is produce and go into the condenser by the pipe which is connected to the flask. Condenser is filled with the cool water which changes the vapour into liquid form and comes out as condenser alcohol collected in the beaker.

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