The diagrams below show the changes that have taken place at West Park Secondary School since its construction in 1950 Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant

The maps give information about how the West Park Secondary School has changed throughout 1950 and 2010.

The first map shows the outline of the area in the 50’s. There were dwelling area near the school (they were located among the main road) as well as the farmland and playground which were located at the back side of the school and houses. Moving to 1980, the car park and science block was replaced with houses whereas school and playground remained in the same place. Another feature that was replaced by another spot was farmland; sports field constructed in it’s place.

In the 2010 the West Park Secondary School has completely changed comparing with the year of 1950. The area of car park has been expanded while the territory of playground and sports field has been reduced. However, there has not been any transformations in the buildings of science block and school.

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