The graph and table below show the average monthly temperatures and the average number of hours of sunshine per year in three major cities Summarize the information by selectin and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant

Given are the graph contrasting the temperatures each month and the table depicting the average figure of time of sunshine yearly in London, New York and Sydney.
It is perceptibly from the graph that Sydney have the greatest temperature in the beginning of the year, more than 25 degree, followed by London and New York with approximately 4 degree and 12 degree. However, the opposite is a true in the mid-year months. It is a surge in the temperature in New York, up to approximately 30 degree. The second in term of this category is London with 23 degree and the third is Sydney with approximately 15 degree. In the end of the year, the order is reversed to be the same at the beginning of the year. As clearly as we can see, New York city has a

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