The graph below shows the information on waste disposal in a European country from 2005 to 2008

The given bar chart compares three ways to be discharged waste in a country in European between 2005 and 2008.
Overall, the amount of garbage dumped into landfills and the sea witnessed a steady downward trend, while that burned fluctuated. It is also apparent that burning was the most popular method of waste disposal in 2008. In 2005, 70 million tonnes of garbage were landfilled. This number was progressively reduced by 10 million tonnes per year to 40 million tonnes in 2008. Similarly, the amount of garbage discharged into the sea decreased from 55 million tons to 40 million tons at the end of the period.
It can be seen that in 2005, the amount of garbage burned was about 5 million tonnes. This number subsequently saw a significant drop to as low as 20 million. tons in 2007 before rising again to 65 million tons the following year.

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