The graph below shows the reported number of cases of influenza in people over 65 in a certain village in the UK from 1985 to 1995

Information related to over 65 years individuals infected by influenza in England and the period taken in to consideration from 1985 to1995.
A glance at picture apparently delineates that In 1990 ,the case of influenza disease on its peak ,however from 1990 to 1995, the influenza patients decreased.
Moving into details, In 1985,the influenza flu patients only 40 and from 1986 to 1987, the cases inclined gradually and reached at around 53 in 1987 and In 1987,the figures plunged dramatically which were 45 people and from 1988 and 1980,there was slight rose in numbers and reached at again 50.
Moving into details from1989 to 1991,the influenza people ,inclined significantly and In year 1992 ,the influenza patients and on its peak at 70 patients and from year 1991 to 1995 ,the number show up and down and In year 1995,the number of cases influenza was 50.

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