The illustrations show how chocolate is produced

The given chart depicts the manufacturing process of chocolate. Overall, there are totally ten stages in a process which includes both handwork and machinery.
In the first stage, cacao trees are grown in South America, Africa and Indonesia produce red pods. After these pods ripe, they will be harvested for white cocoa beans, then, the beans are fermented in 2 banana layers. In step 4, the beans are spread under the sun to dry and packed in lots of large sacks which are ready for the 5 next stages.
These sacks consist of dried beans which are transported by train or lorry to the factory in the fifth step. Next, in the factory, firstly, a big oven roast the beans and a different machine crush these beans and simultaneously remove the outer shell. In the final step, the beans’ inner part is pressed under another machine to produce pure liquid chocolate.

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