Leisure time in a typical week in hour by sex and employment status 1998 99

The bar chart illustrates free time in the usual week (free time that they have weekly) of different groups of people from 1998 to 1999.

There are two groups that have the highest index among all groups, which are unemployed and retired people. Males in both groups have equal hours of leisure time, which is more than 80 hours per week. Although females have noticeably less time than males among these groups, they have the same amount of hours, approximately 75.

On the other hand, groups that have the least amount of hours are full time and part time employees. In the group of employed full time, males have slightly more than 50 hours whereas females have as little as40. However, females that are occupied part time have slightly more free time than the ones that work full time.

Overall, unemployed and retired people have significantly more time than the other groups.

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