Birth Rates In China and the USA
The graph below compares changes in the birth rates of China and the USA between 1920 and 2000.
The graph provided the changes in the fertility rates of China and the USA from 1920 to 2000.
At the first glance, the levels of the two nations saw considerable fluctuations, but the lower rate of China was witnessed at the beginning and the end of the period.
In greater detail, from the higher proportions in 1920, the USA's birth rate rose to 13 percent in 1935, while the figure for China was 15 percent. What stands out is both countries experienced a downward trend afterwards then plunged to a low of only 5 percent.
Meanwhile, an upward trend was observed in 1950, not only did China's levels reach a peak of 20 percent, but the USA's figures showed an exponential climb, to somewhere in the vicinity of 15 percent. What jumps out is a sustained decline was noticed in the latter half of the century, when a three-fold was witnessed in the USA's fertility rates compared with the figure of China at the end of the period.
Birth Rates In China and the USA
The graph below compares changes in the birth rates of China and the USA between 1920 and 2000.
The graph provided the changes in the fertility rates of China and the USA from 1920 to 2000.
At the first glance, the levels of the two nations saw considerable fluctuations, but the lower rate of China was witnessed at the beginning and the end of the period.
In greater detail, from the higher proportions in 1920, the USA's birth rate rose to 13 percent in 1935, while the figure for China was 15 percent. What stands out is both countries experienced a downward trend afterwards then plunged to a low of only 5 percent.
Meanwhile, an upward trend was observed in 1950, not only did China's levels reach a peak of 20 percent, but the USA's figures showed an exponential climb, to somewhere in the vicinity of 15 percent. What jumps out is a sustained decline was noticed in the latter half of the century, when a three-fold was witnessed in the USA's fertility rates compared with the figure of China at the end of the period.
- The graphs below show current rates of secondary and higher education among people in various parts of the world 67
- The graphs below show current rates of secondary and higher education among people in various parts of the world 67
- The graphs provided the proportion of males and females in secondary and higher education in Europe Sub Saharan Africa SSA Latin America and East Asia At the first glance the percentages of both gender in Europe takes first place in Secondary and Higher e 67
- The graphs provided the proportion of males and females in secondary and higher education in Europe Sub Saharan Africa SSA Latin America and East Asia At the first glance the percentages of both gender in Europe takes first place in Secondary and Higher e 67
- The graphs provided the proportion of males and females in secondary and higher education in Europe Sub Saharan Africa SSA Latin America and East Asia At the first glance the percentages of both gender in Europe takes first place in Secondary and Higher e 67