The line graph illustrates the proportion of total expenditure in a certain European country between 1960 and 2000

The line graph compares the numbers of expenditure on food, leisure, clothing, transport and fuel/energy in one of Europe's countries from 1960 to 2000.

Overall, It is clear that most of the percentage of expenditure declined, but the opposite is true for the figures for transport. In addition, the numbers of food experienced the most dramatic change over the period shown.

In 1960, food was the most widely chosen for expenditure and it was down to 35%. This figure was roughly 25% higher than that of clothing, transport and fuel/energy about 10%, 9%, and 6% and only over 15% were spending for leisure.

During the next forty years, this country spent less on food with its figure being the most significant at under 15%. Similarly, spending on leisure, clothing and fuel/energy had a downward trend, but they just fell to minimally in 2000. In contrast, in term transport climbed to roughly 15% by 2000.

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