The pie charts below show the comparison of different kinds of energy production of France in two years

The two pie charts illustrate five types of energy production in France in 1995 and 2005. The most significant facts to emerge from both the charts are that coal and gas were the most significant sources of energy and estimated to contribute over 50% of the energy production in France. On the other hand, Nuclear and other kinds of energy sources generated the least amount of energy.

There was a slight increase of about 1% in the production of energy by coal from 29.8% in 1995 to 30.9% in 2005. Similarly, in 1995, gas generated 29.6% of energy which rose slightly to 30.31% a decade later. However, petrol was the only source which witnessed a decrease from 29.27% in 1995 to almost fifth (19.5%) in 2005.

Nevertheless, energy production from nuclear and other sources had a growth of 5% approximately to 10.1% and 9.1% respectively over the given time period.

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