The pie charts compare ways of accessing the news in Canada and Australia Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant

The pie charts illustrates the comparision between Canada and Australia ways of accessing the news. There are 5 sources for getting information which I will discuss in further paragraphs.

Online is the major source of getting information in both countries. 36 percent of Canadian people use online sources where the number is more in Australia with 52 percent. Moreover, the second largest source is television. Canada has more access to this source than Australia with a number of 3 percent.

Now came the sources which have less impact on the mind of people. Printed media have only 7 percent access in Australia but in Canada ratio is doubled. furthermore, radio have a 7 percent contribution along with 3 percent from a not specific source. Whereas, in Australia, both radio and not specified sources have equal access with 2 percent.

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