The table below shows the average weekly salaries of men and od women working in different occupations Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant

The table compares the average incomes of male and female workers per week in five different jobs in 2015
Overall, the average salary male receives every week is higher than that of women. It can be seen that professionals are the highest- paid jobs for both men and women while manual laborers have the smallest income.
In 2015, the average amount of money male receive as professionals is $2000, which is more than $100 that of women ( $1900). Male technicians are preferred by $1400 per week in comparison to $900 for females. The amount of money men are paid every week as service workers and administrative/clerical workers are $ 1300 and $1350 respectively whereas women receive $950 and $1000. The average salary per week for women manual laborers is $850 while the figure for men is $1100, higher at $250.

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