The table below shows the number of cars made in three countries in 2003 2006 and 2009 Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant

The chart shows how many cars produced in three countries during a 6-year period, starting from 2003.
Overall, the number of cars made in Argentina and Thailand witnessed an upward trend while those of Australia took the opposite direction. Among these countries, Thailand is the country that produced cars most in all years, followed by Argentina.
At the start of the period, there were 784,770 cars which were made in Thailand, the highest figure presented in the chart. The second place belonged to Australia , with 430,658 cars, nearly four times as many as the figure for Argentina.
Thereafter, the car number of Thailand witnessed a sharp increase to 1,119,283 cars in 2006, after which a slight decrease to 950,258 cars was recorded over the next 3 years, still ranking first. In contrast, Australia underwent a considerable drop to 212,647 cars in 2009, while the value for Argentina experienced a jump, at 512,247 cars.

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