The table below shows the worldwide market share of the notebook computer market for manufacturers in the years 2006 and 2007 Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant

This table illustrates the 2006 and 2007 notebook computer market for the market share of manufacturers worldwide. Overall, it can be seen that there were no huge changes from one to another year. By the way we had some positioning changes.

The following 3 brands increased their percent of the computer market: HP, Dell and Toshiba. HP kept leading the market as the year before, going from 31.4% to 34%, which means 2.6% increase. Dell had a more significant raise, from 16.6% to 20.2%, giving it 3.6% more than in 2006, it also guaranteed Dell to keep the second position in the market. Toshiba went from the fourth position to the third position, with just a 1.1% increase due to the decrease of other brands.

On the other hand, Acer, Lenovo and Fujitsu-Siemens lost percentage on the global market share going respectively from 11.6% to 10.7%, 6.6% to 6.2% and 4.8% to 2.3%. Other brands with less significant share also lost percentage from 22.8% to 19.3%.

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