The table gives information on consumer spending on different items in five different countries in 2002 Percentage of national consumer expenditure by category 2002

The graph compares 5 european nations in terms of the percentage of national consumer expenditure on different items in 2002.
Overall, the amount of money spent on leisure/education were the least proportion in Spain compared to Turkey whose share made up the biggest fraction on food/drink/tobacco in 2002. It is clear that, the proportion of expenditure on clothing/footwear was almost proportional in both Spain and Turkey.
The number of national expenditure coming from food/drinos/tobacco and leisure/education was disproportional(28,91% and 2,21% respectively) in Ireland. The proportion of expenditure on food/drink/tobacco constituted 15,77% which is three times more than that of clothing/footwear.
Italians spent 9.00% of expenditure through clothing/footwear, a figure, which was twice as less as the figure for food/drink/tobacco in Spain. Food/drink/tobacco was responsible for 16.36% of expenditure in Italy while the share of leisure/education accounted for about 3%.

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