The table shows the number of mobile phones and personal computers per 1000 people in 2003 in 6 different counties Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant

The given data depicts the number of mobile phones and personal computers in 6 different countries used by 1000 per individuals in 2003.

It is clear from the data that, Luxembourg had the most users of cell phones and PCs which consist of 872 and 900 per 1000 persons respectively. China had the lowest users in both gadgets which is 35 and 88 respectively. About just more than half per 1000 individuals in Singapore.

Italy is the second largest users of the gadgets amoung the six other countries which resulted 737 and 480 % respectively. one of the interesting fact is both Germany and South Korea had the same number of pc owners.

Overall, Luxembourg is the most strengthened country with both the gadget owners and China is the lowest country with less than 100 users.

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The given data depicts the number of mobile phones and personal computers in 6 different countries used by 1000 per individuals in 2003.

It is clear from the data that, Luxembourg had the most users of cell phones and PCs which consist of 872 and 900 per 1000 persons respectively. China had the lowest users in both gadgets which is 35 and 88 respectively. About just more than half per 1000 individuals in Singapore.

Italy is the second largest users of the gadgets amoung the six other countries which resulted 737 and 480 % respectively. one of the interesting fact is both Germany and South Korea had the same number of pc owners.

Overall, Luxembourg is the most strengthened country with both the gadget owners and China is the lowest country with less than 100 users.