The table shows the proportion of pupils attending four secondary school types between 2000 and 2009 Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant

The table illustrates the percentage of school children attending four different types of secondary schools from 2000 to 2009.

In 2000, voluntary controlled schools had the highest children’s which was 52% pf the total pupils. The specialist schools and community schools followed with same 12% respectively. Grammar schools has the half of the students at 24%.

Over the period of nine years, the children’s trend not the same with reference to other schools. Interestingly, community schools surpassed voluntary controlled schools with 58%. For other schools there was a negative growth as for specialists schools, the relatively same percentage of pupils attending this type of school (10%) also feel, although not significantly.

Overall, the percentage of pupils attending increased in the 2000 but in 2009 the percentage of students attending schools is decreased.

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