A letter to your friend traveling overseas You are staying at their apartment and there was a storm Tell your friend about the storm Tell them what was damaged and details what repairs need to be done

Dear Amber,

How is your trip going on in Canada? I hope this letter finds you well. I think you may hear about a super typhoon that hit our country this Monday which was a horrifying experience as the sustained wind was over 150km/hr.

The heart-breaking news is that your roof at the back room was blown away and the rain falls in the house cause the flooding in the house. Even I want to remediate your house with some tarp, the water is rising too fast, and I can only bring your cat – Mimi to the nearby disaster prevention center.

I have already contacted a local builder to repair the roof that the cost of the repair will not be more than 2000USD. In addition, there was an extra cost for draining off water in the house and it will cost about 500USD. I will take care of the repairing process, so you do not worry about it.

Warm wishes,
Chris Wong

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