Smacking children is the best form of discipline To what extent do you agree or disagree

Smacking is considered one of the sources to teach children discipline. Many believe that among the best ways to upbring little ones with great ethics is “Slape them as punishment on any wrong when they do” – even rank it the best. However, it is not the sole way to be followed since it has side effects in a long run which will be argued in this essay.
Off course, the ones who practice corporal punishment is not to just release their frustration or furiousness on children – especially when it comes to parents. They have the logic that since in stage of childhood, no one can understand that what is right and wrong as there is no maturity or a knowledge to persuade for right. Moreover, the littles do not have even the intellect to get advice and practice it accordingly. On other hand, parents are always conscious about their children for raising them well-mannered, well behaved and to inject good qualities in them: a natural fact. Therefore, when no other choice left with them, they go for corporal punishment as physical pain is sensed by anyone irrespective of the maturity level or stage of life.
The logics puts forward above could be understood that why “someone adapt smacking as a practice to behave their kids”. However, it is bad in many circumstances. Physical torture sometime makes children medically unfit, torture their emotions, induce fear in their personality and destroy their confidence which might be dangerous; if thought in wide perspective. On record, it exists that those who had been physically tortured in their early stage instead of being guided and groomed through some other form of discipline are short-tempered, revenge-seekers and believe only in physical punishment: when treating someone who did wrong to them or commit any mistake. Having above facts and figures in mind I slightly disagree with logic of considering “smacking” the best form of grooming.
This essay argued that those who believe in smacking as the perfect way to upbring the littles might not aware from its long run negative impacts. A slight disagreement has been shown by the writer on basis of his own observation that why “Physical punishment” should not be judged as the best form when it comes to teach good manners and customs to little ones.

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