During the past year Quiot Manufacturing had 30 percent more on the job accidents than at the nearby Panoply Industries plant where the work shifts are one hour shorter than ours Experts say that significant contributing factors in many on the job acci

When purchasing any air conditioner for the home, it is important to understand that this does not end there, and that it is necessary to install the purchased equipment. If we talk about a mobile air conditioner, then everything is much simpler, you can mount it yourself without the help of specialists, since it does not have an external unit. With a split system, everything is much more complicated. And there are special <a href="https://experttoday.pro/air-conditioning/installation/">air conditioning services</a> that are best entrusted with this business.

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In the understanding of most buyers, an air conditioner is a device whose main task is to cool or heat the air in the room. Indeed, initially the purpose of the air conditioner was only to create and maintain comfortable temperature conditions, but progress, as you know, does not stand still. Thus, over time, manufacturers of household climate equipment began to equip their devices with full-fledged filter elements. The effectiveness of individual models in this matter allows us to partly equate them with professional air cleaning units. Split systems equipped with a cold plasma generator have a high efficiency in air purification. The advantages of filters of this type include their recognized effectiveness in combating viruses, mold fungi and other microorganisms. Another rather popular "option" of modern models is the built-in air ionizer. It copes well with unpleasant odors, and also removes dangerous viruses and bacteria from the air. There are also more exotic filter elements based on plants that have an antibacterial effect. Catechin filters and wasabi filters have similar properties. https://experttoday.pro/air-conditioning/installation/