Nowadays many people have access to computers on a wide basis and a large number of children play computer games

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Nowadays many people have access to computers on a wide basis and a large number of children play computer games.

Nowadays, the technology development influenced almost our life. Especially, it affects teenager. They approached much modern equipment such as computers, smartphone, ... This equipment helps students to study very good but almost children usually use it to play games.
In my opinion, playing games have lots of advantages. They help student to improve memory. According to research of scientist that the children play games about 1 to 2 hours a day smarter than other children. Second, playing games also increase creativity and do teamwork. Through playing games such as battle games demand children who must do teamwork together. Moreover, playing games expand thought help them to study better than. Therefore, many programs about learning to combine many types of different games. Third, playing games increase reflex. For example, if player would like to win a game, player have to know observed, prediction in order to find solutions most quickly.
Besides, playing games also affect bad health of children. They can be decrease eyesight and cause sleeplessness. Especially, these children become addicted games. Consequence is they will drop out of school. The society has many evils. For instance, they can steal money when they don't have money to play games. Furthermore, they will join in bad group. Therefore, their parents care about their emotion. Teenager should join in good clubs such as piano club, sport club, ... I think we can play game but do not play over 180 seconds.
In conclusion, playing games not only have many advantages but also have some disadvantages. It depends on aware of people about so that we can educate children to use them right purpose.

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