The prospects of true love (Lemuel Mwangi G)
"Nobody has ever measured, not even poets, how much a heart can hold. No one, except GOD, has measure the covalence in love. It takes a lot of understanding, time, and trust to gain a close friendship with someone. Love is not enough. It must be the foundation, the cornerstone- but not the complete structure. As I approach a time of my life of complete uncertainty, my friends are my most precious asset. Love does not die easily. It is a living thing. It thrives in the face of all life's hazards. Love is sometimes denied, sometimes lost, sometimes unrecognized, but in the end, always found with no regrets, forever valued and kept treasured. The courses of true love never did run smooth. The most painful love there is, is the love left unshown. A love that cannot be expressed, affection left unknown, the love that withholds touching, afraid of what it would say, and the most painful thing about unexpressed love is... it never fades away. Because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have. What we have once enjoyed we can never lose. All that we love deeply becomes a part of us. If things on earth may be to heaven resembled, it must be love, pure, constant, and unassembled.
Love and relationships are truly one of the most paradoxical aspects of being human. For it is in love that we find the greatest of strengths and the deepest of sorrows. Love can seem to be so fleeting and unachievable yet it remains well within our reach if we only learn how to embrace its power. To experience true love, we must be willing to open ourselves up and sacrifice part of our heart and part of our soul. We must be willing to give of ourselves freely, and we must be willing to suffer. It is only when we expose our inner selves to the white hot flame of rejection that love can burn so brightly as to join to souls melding the two into one, creating a bond that joins forever. It is from this bond that we draw strength eternal and power everlasting. It is in this thing that we call love that we find the means to achieve greatness, both in ourselves and in our lives. Love is a many splintered thing. To love is to place our happiness in the happiness of another. We don't love qualities, we love persons; sometimes by reason of their defects as well as of their qualities. Your task is not to seek love, but merely to seek & find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it. Love is an act of endless forgiveness, a tender look which becomes a habit. Experience is how life catches up with us and teaches us to love and forgive each other.
Love involves a peculiar unfathomable combination of understanding. The real enemy can always be met and conquered, or won over. Real antagonism is based on love, a love which has not recognized itself. Whether humanity will consciously follow the law of love, I do not know. But that need not disturb me. The law will work just as the law of gravitation works, whether we accept it or not. The person who discovered the law of love was a far greater scientist than any of our modern scientists. Only our explorations have not gone far enough and so it is not possible for everyone to see all its workings. Resistance to oppression is often based on a love that leads us to value ourselves, and leads us to hope for more than the established cultural system is willing to grant ... such love is far more energizing than guilt, duty, or self-sacrifice. Love for others leads us to accept accountability (in contrast to feeling guilt) and motivates our search for ways to end our complicity with structures of oppression. Solidarity does not require self-sacrifice, but an enlargement of the self to include someone who loves you. It is in deep solitude that I find the gentleness with which I truly love you. In the most rigorous, wildest, scariest, and imaginable scenarios, love plays the hero, when two people realize and give it chance. Eventually you will come to understand that love heals everything, especially when you put GOD in it.”
Proverbs 17:9 – “ Love prospers when a fault is forgiven …..”
(Made through combining famous love quotes from numerous authors)
- INEQUALITY - THE MODEL OF INTUITION (By Lemuel Mwangi G - Tacoma Community College Sociology Class - End of the Semester Paper) 95
- THE TYRANNY OF BERUACRATIC GOVERNANCE (By Lemuel Mwangi G - Tacoma Community College Sociology class) 100
- The prospects of true love (Lemuel Mwangi G) 100
- INTEGRAL MINIATURE OF SOCEITAL FUNCTIONALISM. (By Lemuel Mwangi G - Tacoma Community College Sociology Class) 90
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It is not an essay. It made me cry!