Do you agree or disagree with the following statement Television advertising directed toward young children aged two to five should not be allowed Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer

Television advertising directed toward young children (aged two to five) should not be allowed
Today advertising are directed toward people from all ages, even young children below five. Indeed during the Christmas period most of the advertising are directed toward young people in order to make them buy many games.

As we can see during some specific period of the year the massive broadcast of toy’s advertising, that make me thinking that they are really effective, and maybe too effective. Despite the fact that kids don’t have any money they have parents that want to fulfill all their demand, and it’s how it become effective.
To continue I will say it’s the fault of most of the parents that let their kids watch the television and then don’t take the time to be with their children. Thus kids are really influenced by what they see. A personal example is my nephew, he is currently six years old and he is always talking about the cartoon he watch on television and always ask his father “Dad buy me the new LegoChima, or transformers toy”. So advertising toward young children is to my mind a threat, because children are too influenced by them.
Furthermore it’s a kind of massive conditioning. In fact it’s always the same, babies and Barbies for girls and miniature cars and super heroes for boys. It’s like saying to children that girls are meant to do the cooking, to clean up the house and to make babies meanwhile boys do the other things. It’s a bit harsh but to my mind it sounds just like this.
But don’t forget what advertising are made for: Sell product. So how can we blame the industries aiming young children for their advertising? It’s just a market segment like all other ages. And is it only possible for them to just stop doing advertisement? If they just stop those industries will just lose so much money. Thus advertising toward young children will nether stop.

To conclude I will say that advertising towards below five years kids should be outlawed even if it’s not possible or just controlled. Because they have too much influence on kids and although cause a huge threat to them by influencing their way of thinking.

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