Integrated WritingIn the United States employees typically work five days a week for eight hours each day However many employees want to work a four day week and are willing to accept less pay in order to do so A mandatory policy requiring companies t

The article states that converting the five days work week to four day would be beneficial and provides three reasons of support.However, the professor explains that the benefits are not enough to justify a dramatic change to the workweek and refutes each of the author's reasons.
First, the reading claims that the four day workweek will increase the company profits due to the reduction of the expenses for employees. The professor refutes this point by saying that the reduction is not enough to justify the change. He states that adding new workers will require training, medical benefits, more computers that will add to the expense.
Second, the article posits that there will be a reduction in unemployement rates. However, the professor says that this idea is misguided. According to the professor, hiring new workers becomes costly so, no jobs will be available and either the company expects 4 days workers to work as 5 days or the company will offer overtime works to the current workers.
Third, the reading claims that converting will allow the employees to spend more time with their family, improving their quality of life. The professor opposes this point by explaining that this will decrease the job stability and also will first cause the employee to lose their job during the academic downturn.

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