It is more important to keep your old friends than to make new friends

Every human being needs to communicate and interact with other people through social connections. One important relationship is friendship.
In this context, some people believe that we should make new friends and fill our lives with multiple connections. However, some others refutes this belief and declare that it's better to keep the old company for life. For me, I am firmly convinced with the former viewpoint for many reasons that i'll be citing in the essay.

To begin with, in every period of time of our lives we face different challenges. Sometimes, we change the job or move from a city to another. In this regard, we have to choose whether to be alone or to build new relations.
From my personal experience, I was obliged to move to another country to persue my studies. In the beginning, I missed my friends really hard and I was avoiding the idea of having new friends. Thus, I passed the semester lonely and almost depressed. Then, I convinced myself to try to fit in and share some moments with my classmates. The things went well and now I consider them as my bestfriends.

Another major point is that we must admit that people change. In fact, life is full of paths and choices that defines what we are and friendship is part of those choices. On this point, sometimes it's better to change the surrounding friends if you feel that they are pulling you back. Hence, in this case, new frienships can help us enlarge our knowledge and encourge us to be more productive.
As the proverb says "It would be better to be alone than with a bad company "

In a nutshell, we have to look to friendship as a direct impact to our life and future. Therefore, we should be open to every change that could happen for our best.

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