In twenty years there will be fewer cars in use than there are today

In today's convoluted life no one can turn a blind eye to the significance of cars as the most paramount movement means in a family's life. Car production has been played an important role in the industry and economic growth of countries. Nevertheless, controversy exists whether car usage will plummet in the future or not. There are some indications that forecast this idea, as will be explained below in detail.

First and foremost, by the advent of artificial intelligence during the industry four revolution, no one can neglect the dominant role of computers in the future. Artificial intelligence hereafter called AI, revolutionized hugely car industry in the way that cars no longer require drivers. The idea of driver-less cars has been coming into practice in recent years and successfully could attract car producer's attention and reliance. Driver-less cars can move from point to point without any live driver twenty-four hours a day. Consequently, the idea of car ownership may be blurred as everyone can easily choose a car once he needs it. Therefore, with the development of Drive-less cars and the reduction of car ownership, it is expected that car numbers decrease. Unlike these days that each family demands a private car, people prefer to use shared cars more efficiently.

From another point of view, It is believable other sorts of vehicles be invented in twenty years. As the universities and research centers around the world are today working on different vehicles like air taxies, electrical motor-cycles, and so on, It can be inferred these cost-efficient vehicles would be more prevalent in the future. These new vehicles can push sophisticated cars toward obsolete and win the competitive market by providing less price and equal utilization. Thus, it can be inferred again from this point of view the number of cars becomes fall.

As a result, the author absolutely holds this idea that the role of technology and new innovations can play major changes in the future of the car industry. The idea of car sharing provided by AI and driver-less cars and also the idea of electrical motor-cycles and air taxies can soon in future become more prevalent and usable. The cars would be lower than today.

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