My essays:
- Unless we actually reach our goals, they are meaningless. Goals clarify our ambitions—an award, a title, aprize—and help us focus on only what is necessary. By dedicating ourselves to the achievement of our goals,we choose how we spend our most valuable r
- An entertainment-driven culture runs the risk of encouraging passivity among its citizens. If they can experience something vicariously through a movie, television show, or video game, why should they get involved with the activity itself? It’s safer, aft
- Many among us like to blame violence and immorality in the media for a "decline in morals" in society. Yet these people seem to have lost touch with logic. Any objective examination shows that our society is far less violent or exploitative than virtually
- "The best leaders are not those who seek power or have great political skill. Great leaders- and these are exceptionally rare, especially today- represent the best selves of the people they represent."Assignment: What are the most important qualities of a
- "It is often interesting, in retrospect, to consider the trifling causes that lead to great events. A chance encounter, a thoughtless remark - and the torturous chain reaction of coincidence is set in motion, leading with devious inevitability to some res
- "If you think about disaster, you will get it. Brood about death and you hasten your demise. Think positively and masterfully, with confidence and faith, and life becomes more secure, more fraught with action, richer in achievement and experience... Coura