To serve the housing needs of our students, Buckingham College should build a number of new dormitories. Buckingham's enrollment is growing and, based on current trends, will double over the next 50 years, thus making existing dormitory space inadequate. Moreover, the average rent for an apartment in our town has risen in recent years. Consequently, students will find it increasingly difficult to afford off-campus housing. Finally, attractive new dormitories would make prospective students more likely to enroll at Buckingham
The author of the argument claims that Buckingham College should build a number of new dormitories. To support his claim the author says that the number of enrollment is growing and, based on current trends, will double over the next 50 years,
thus making existing dormitory space inadequate. The argument also points out that the average rent for an apartment in our town has risen in recent years. Consequently, students will find it increasingly difficult to afford off-campus housing and the students more likely to enroll at the dormitory.
To determine the validity of the argument, we must understand whether by building the new dormitory, the number of students will enroll in Buckingham college or not. To understand the effectiveness of the recommendation, it would be important to analyze whether the student will find it difficult to afford off-campus housing.
First, the director's recommendation to built new dormitories to serve the housing needs was based on the relationship between the rate of enrollment and the need for apartments in the dormitory. This assumption is completely illogical because enrollment in the university does not mean that the student who is enrolled in college will also enroll for dormitories. There might be possibilities that the students who enroll in colleges live nearby to the college and hence do not require an apartment to live in.
Secondly, the director's recommendation to built up new dormitories is based on the flawed data as he says that the number of enrollments will double over the next 50 years, thus making existing dormitory space inadequate without providing any survey or document that will support his claim. And in general plans are based on three categories; short term plans for less than one year, medium plans around two years and finally long term plans are up to five to ten years. Therefore 50 years is a plan that is hard to be validated.
Thirdly, his recommendation on why the number of dormitories should increase is based on the student's unaffordability to off-campus housing as they are more expensive than living on-campus. But it is well known that most students prefer sharing apartments. It will be more interesting for friends and colleagues to be living together without supervisors and dormitories regulations. They will share together the rent, cost of food and everything which might be cheaper and affordable for them.
Finally, the director claim that the attractive new dormitories would make prospective students more likely to enroll at Buckingham does not make any sense at all because the students care a lot about the ratings and the quality of education, professors, and creditability of the colleges. So The director should not have based his assumption on this evidence.
In sum, the author's argument is based on the unconfirmed and unsubstantiated assumption. In order to evaluate the merit of the argument, we need more data and information about the points mentioned in the argument. To make the argument stronger, the authors need to outline, the real reason why the number of dormitories should build.
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- . 16
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Essay evaluation report
Attribute Value Ideal
Final score: 4.0 out of 6
Category: Good Excellent
No. of Grammatical Errors: 0 2
No. of Spelling Errors: 0 2
No. of Sentences: 22 15
No. of Words: 505 350
No. of Characters: 2560 1500
No. of Different Words: 216 200
Fourth Root of Number of Words: 4.74 4.7
Average Word Length: 5.069 4.6
Word Length SD: 2.912 2.4
No. of Words greater than 5 chars: 181 100
No. of Words greater than 6 chars: 142 80
No. of Words greater than 7 chars: 107 40
No. of Words greater than 8 chars: 75 20
Use of Passive Voice (%): 0 0
Avg. Sentence Length: 22.955 21.0
Sentence Length SD: 10.106 7.5
Use of Discourse Markers (%): 0.591 0.12
Sentence-Text Coherence: 0.305 0.35
Sentence-Para Coherence: 0.615 0.50
Sentence-Sentence Coherence: 0.1 0.07
Number of Paragraphs: 8 5
Grammar and spelling errors:
Line 1, column 244, Rule ID: WHITESPACE_RULE
Message: Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace
...nds, will double over the next 50 years, thus making existing dormitory space ina...
Line 11, column 12, Rule ID: POSSESIVE_APOSTROPHE[1]
Message: Possible typo: apostrophe is missing. Did you mean 'directors'' or 'director's'?
Suggestion: directors'; director's
...ord off-campus housing. First, the directors recommendation to built new dormitories...
Line 15, column 15, Rule ID: POSSESIVE_APOSTROPHE[1]
Message: Possible typo: apostrophe is missing. Did you mean 'directors'' or 'director's'?
Suggestion: directors'; director's
...partment to live in. Secondly, the directors recommendation to built up new dormitor...
Message: Did you forget a comma after a conjunctive/linking adverb?
Suggestion: Therefore,
...term plans are up to five to ten years. Therefore 50 years is a plan that is hard to be v...
Line 19, column 94, Rule ID: POSSESIVE_APOSTROPHE[1]
Message: Possible typo: apostrophe is missing. Did you mean 'students'' or 'student's'?
Suggestion: students'; student's
...itories should increase is based on the students unaffordability to off-campus housing a...
Line 27, column 13, Rule ID: POSSESIVE_APOSTROPHE[1]
Message: Possible typo: apostrophe is missing. Did you mean 'authors'' or 'author's'?
Suggestion: authors'; author's
...tion on this evidence. In sum, the authors argument is based on the unconfirmed an...
Line 27, column 138, Rule ID: WHITESPACE_RULE
Message: Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace
...r to evaluate the merit of the argument, we need more data and information about ...
Transition Words or Phrases used:
also, but, consequently, finally, first, hence, if, second, secondly, so, therefore, third, thirdly, thus, well, in general
Attributes: Values AverageValues Percentages(Values/AverageValues)% => Comments
Performance on Part of Speech:
To be verbs : 19.0 19.6327345309 97% => OK
Auxiliary verbs: 21.0 12.9520958084 162% => OK
Conjunction : 17.0 11.1786427146 152% => OK
Relative clauses : 13.0 13.6137724551 95% => OK
Pronoun: 28.0 28.8173652695 97% => OK
Preposition: 76.0 55.5748502994 137% => OK
Nominalization: 23.0 16.3942115768 140% => OK
Performance on vocabulary words:
No of characters: 2637.0 2260.96107784 117% => OK
No of words: 505.0 441.139720559 114% => OK
Chars per words: 5.22178217822 5.12650576532 102% => OK
Fourth root words length: 4.74048574033 4.56307096286 104% => OK
Word Length SD: 2.98127739409 2.78398813304 107% => OK
Unique words: 225.0 204.123752495 110% => OK
Unique words percentage: 0.445544554455 0.468620217663 95% => OK
syllable_count: 806.4 705.55239521 114% => OK
avg_syllables_per_word: 1.6 1.59920159681 100% => OK
A sentence (or a clause, phrase) starts by:
Pronoun: 7.0 4.96107784431 141% => OK
Article: 9.0 8.76447105788 103% => OK
Subordination: 0.0 2.70958083832 0% => More adverbial clause wanted.
Conjunction: 3.0 1.67365269461 179% => OK
Preposition: 6.0 4.22255489022 142% => OK
Performance on sentences:
How many sentences: 21.0 19.7664670659 106% => OK
Sentence length: 24.0 22.8473053892 105% => OK
Sentence length SD: 61.6491425735 57.8364921388 107% => OK
Chars per sentence: 125.571428571 119.503703932 105% => OK
Words per sentence: 24.0476190476 23.324526521 103% => OK
Discourse Markers: 5.85714285714 5.70786347227 103% => OK
Paragraphs: 8.0 5.15768463074 155% => Less paragraphs wanted.
Language errors: 7.0 5.25449101796 133% => OK
Sentences with positive sentiment : 9.0 8.20758483034 110% => OK
Sentences with negative sentiment : 7.0 6.88822355289 102% => OK
Sentences with neutral sentiment: 5.0 4.67664670659 107% => OK
What are sentences with positive/Negative/neutral sentiment?
Coherence and Cohesion:
Essay topic to essay body coherence: 0.401600704183 0.218282227539 184% => OK
Sentence topic coherence: 0.116358878232 0.0743258471296 157% => OK
Sentence topic coherence SD: 0.119157974543 0.0701772020484 170% => OK
Paragraph topic coherence: 0.18648010157 0.128457276422 145% => OK
Paragraph topic coherence SD: 0.110670306962 0.0628817314937 176% => OK
Essay readability:
automated_readability_index: 15.2 14.3799401198 106% => OK
flesch_reading_ease: 47.12 48.3550499002 97% => OK
smog_index: 8.8 7.1628742515 123% => OK
flesch_kincaid_grade: 12.7 12.197005988 104% => OK
coleman_liau_index: 13.29 12.5979740519 105% => OK
dale_chall_readability_score: 7.77 8.32208582834 93% => OK
difficult_words: 94.0 98.500998004 95% => OK
linsear_write_formula: 11.5 12.3882235529 93% => OK
gunning_fog: 11.6 11.1389221557 104% => OK
text_standard: 12.0 11.9071856287 101% => OK
What are above readability scores?
Maximum six paragraphs wanted.
Rates: 66.67 out of 100
Scores by essay e-grader: 4.0 Out of 6
Note: the e-grader does NOT examine the meaning of words and ideas. VIP users will receive further evaluations by advanced module of e-grader and human graders.