Cycling is more environmentally friendly than other forms of transport. Why is it not popular in many places? And how to increase its popularity?

In modern era, every major city is affected by pollution and to deal with this pernicious situation, it is crucial to emphasize on using cycle to commute. But in spite of acknowledging the innumerable benefits of it, very less number of people are using it worldwide. This essay will therefore shed some light on the causes of the less popularity of this mode of transportation plus it will focus on how to convince people to use it more.

T o embark upon, the main problem is the busy schedule of the modern population. Nowadays, people have to work a lot starting from morning up till late evening and sometimes their work place is quite far from home. Hence, they do not have plenty of time to travel by cycle and in order to save it they prefer to go by automobiles. I can give my own example to prove this point as I myself have to cover the distance of thirty kms to reach my office which takes twenty minutes by metro train. However, to cover the same distance by cycle will take much longer time and energy. Therefore, it is not at all a practical solution for me.

Additionally, another difficulty is that it is weather dependent as well. In some areas it is feasible to ride bicycle as most of time the climate is favorable. On the contrary, states like Maharashtra, Kerala and Karnataka weather is very unpredictable because mostly it rains heavily in these realms all the time.

Conspicuously, although there are various problems associated with this method. Nonetheless, it is the best way to bring pollution under control and to preserve our ecosystem. Thus, we must spread more awareness among common masses about the pros of adapting this option and save our planet. In addition, government should also support this revolution by improving the condition of roads and also by making separate cycle tracks to make it safe for riders. Lastly, government should encourage people by rewarding a cyclist as he is setting example for others. This way a slew of citizens will begin to do it.

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